Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. The territory of the Seversky Pipe Plant (SPP), one of the enterprises of PJSC TMK (Pipe Metallurgical Company). People during a tour in the SPP workshop.
Industrial tourism route. The territory of the Seversky Pipe Plant (SPP), one of the enterprises of PJSC TMK (Pipe Metallurgical Company). People during a tour in the SPP workshop.
Industrial tourism route. The territory of the Seversky Pipe Plant (SPP), one of the enterprises of PJSC TMK (Pipe Metallurgical Company). People during a tour in the SPP workshop.
Industrial tourism route. The building of the Seversky Pipe Plant, one of the enterprises of PJSC TMK (Pipe Metallurgical Company).
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace". A monument to Ural industrial architecture of the 19th century. Genre photography.
Industrial tourism route in the Sverdlovsk region. Museum complex "Severskaya blast furnace" in Polevskoy. Genre photography.