Photo search in the archive is carried out using any of the following parameters:descriptionevents,dateevents,placeevents, uniquecode< / b>photos,authorimages. To specify the search conditions, it is possible to simultaneously refer to two or more parameters.
Each photo image in the archive has a description containing brief information about the displayed event, its participants, their official status and names. To search by description, enter your query in the "Text" field. Photo search by event description can be searched in the following ways:
Enter a part of the keyword with a wildcard(*)at the end.
Kremlin * images will be found in the description of which is found: the Kremlin, in the Kremlin, the Kremlin ...
Enter a phrase surrounded by quotation marks ("...").
"parliamentary elections"
Enter the search keywords in any order.
Putin Kasyanov
Enter the required date in the appropriate fields in the following
Enter in the appropriate field the name of the country and / or its region, city, town, where the event you were looking for took place.
Russia all pictures made in Russia Russia, Moscow all images made in Moscow - the capital of Russia Kemerovo Region all images made in Kemerovo region
Each photo image in the archive is assigned a unique number (code) of a single format, for example:KMO_063929_00809_1. The presence in the archive of several photographs with the same first part of the code means that they all belong to the same event.
Enter the code you need or part of it in the appropriate field.
KMO_063929_00809_1 the search will result in one photo image KMO_063929 the search result will be all photos related to one event
Enter the photo author’s last name in the appropriate field.