Leaders of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) party Irina Khakamada (left) and Anatoly Chubays (right) are interviewed in the SPS electoral staff headquarters during the parliamentary election.
Leaders of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) party Irina Khakamada (left) and Anatoly Chubays (right) are interviewed in the SPS electoral staff headquarters during the parliamentary election.
Leader of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) party Boris Nemtsov is interviewed in the SPS electoral staff headquarters during the parliamentary election.
Leader of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) Boris Nemtsov watches television newscasts during the parliamentary election.
Leaders of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) Boris Nemtsov (left), Irina Khakamada (centre) and Anatoly Chubays (right) wait for preliminary parliamentary election results in the SPS electoral staff headquarters.
Leaders of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) Boris Nemtsov (left), Irina Khakamada (centre) and Anatoly Chubays (right) wait for preliminary parliamentary election results in the SPS electoral staff headquarters.
[English translation in progress (1)]