22 December, Sunday
Union of Right Forces leaders (left to right): Samara region governor Konstantin Titov, Irina Khakamada and Boris Nemtsov.
Samara region Governor Konstantin Titov
Samara region Governer Konstantin Titov (second left) and Right Forces Union leader Boris Nemtsov (second right)
A participant of the concert in support of 'The Union of Right Forces' performs on the stage at Vasilyevsky spusk on the bank of Moscow river.
Spectators of the concert in support of 'The Union of Right Forces' at Vasilyevsky spusk on the bank of Moscow river.
The leader of the group 'Moralny Kodex' (Moral Code) performes during the concert in support of 'The Union of Right Forces' performs on the stage at Vasilyevsky spusk on the bank of Moscow river.