[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
Russian Premiere League 2018/2019. Fourth tour. Match between CSKA football club (Moscow) and Arsenal football club (Tula) at VEB Arena stadium. The captain of CSKA football team Igor Akinfeev with a dog before the match.
Russian Premiere League 2018/2019. Fourth tour. Match between CSKA football club (Moscow) and Arsenal football club (Tula) at VEB Arena stadium. The captain of CSKA football team Igor Akinfeev (right) and CSKA football player Igor Akinfeev (center) with a dog before the match.
Russian Premiere League 2018/2019. Fourth tour. Match between CSKA football club (Moscow) and Arsenal football club (Tula) at VEB Arena stadium.