11 September, Wednesday





№ Photos


Politics Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

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Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.…

Rally of young scientists against the destruction of academic science passed at the Suvorov Square.…

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