The State Duma committee on legislature deputy chairman Elena Mizulina (left) and CEO of the RAO "EES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais (centre) took part in the ceremony of laying wreaths to Solovetsky stone. It was devoted to commemoration day of repression victims and was held in Lubyanskaya square.
The Moscow Duma deputy and coordinator of the "Culture and art" fund Evgeny Bunimovich (right) and CEO of the RAO "EES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais (left) took part in the ceremony of laying wreaths to Solovetsky stone. It was devoted to commemoration day of repression victims and was held in Lubyanskaya square.
Activists of the 'Union of the Right Forces' (SPS) arrives at the Lubyanka Square to lay wreaths and flowers to the memorial Solovetsky Stone, placed in stead of the Soviet secret police founder Felix Dzerzinsky statue pulled down in 1991. The flowers and wreaths were brought here on November 7 (date of the 1917 October revolution) in memonry of the Soviet regime victims.
Leader of the 'Yabloko' party Grigory Yavlinsky takes part in the rally staged by the anti-Communist parties in Lubyanka Square to lay wreaths and flowers to the memorial Solovetsky Stone, placed in stead of the Soviet secret police founder Felix Dzerzinsky statue pulled down in 1991. The flowers and wreaths were brought here on November 7 (date of the 1917 October revolution) in memory of the Soviet regime victims.
An elderly participant of the anti-Communist rally held in Lubyanka Square on November 7 (date of the 1917 October Revolution) holds up a slogan demanding to free Yukos oil company CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, arrested on tax evasion charges.