Deputy chairman of the Right Forces Union faction and deputy speaker of the State Duma Irina Khakamada took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov (center) and the Federation Council chairman Sergei Mironov (right) took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov (left) and the Federation Council chairman Sergei Mironov (right) took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
The opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
The opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
The opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
The opening ceremony of the memorial commemorating terrorism victims near the Dubrovka theatre center. The ceremony was devoted to the anniversary of the terrorist act when terrorists took spectators of the Nord-Ost musical in hostages.
Monument erected to commermorate victims of the hostage-taking terrorist attack in the Moscow Dubrovka Theatre during a performance of the 'Nord-Ost' musical.