Leader of Russian muslims, Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin speaks on the mobile phone during the conference headlined 'Religious Tolerance - Basis for Success of Multi-National Russia'. The conference was held in the Kosmos Hotel to mark the 230th anniversary of the Religious Tolerance Decree issued by the Russian Empire Synode - supreme religious authority.
Leader of Russian muslims, Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin takes part in the conference headlined 'Religious Tolerance - Basis for Success of Multi-National Russia'. The conference was held in the Kosmos Hotel to mark the 230th anniversary of the Religious Tolerance Decree issued by the Russian Empire Synode - supreme religious authority.
A Muslim cleric's turban left on a desk during a break in the conference headlined 'Religious Tolerance - Basis for Multi-Ethnic Prosperity in Russia'. The conference, summoned to mark the 230th anniversary of the Russian Empire Synod (supreme religious authority) decree on religious tolerance, was held in the Kosmos Hotel.
Muslim participants of the conference headlined 'Religious Tolerance - Basis for Multi-Ethnic Prosperity in Russia' say prayers during the opening ceremony. The conference, summoned to mark the 230th anniversary of the Russian Empire Synod (supreme religious authority) decree on religious tolerance, was held in the Kosmos Hotel.
President of the "Liga MAGEN" company professor Alexander Lakshin took part in the conference of the russian muftis council and other muslim organisations "Liberal attitude towards religion". The event was held in the "Kosmos" hotel.
Mufti of Chechen Republic Akhmad-Khaji Shamaev took part in the conference headlined 'Religious Tolerance - Basis for Success of Multi-National Russia'. The conference was held in the Kosmos Hotel to mark the 230th anniversary of the Religious Tolerance Decree issued by the Russian Empire Synode - supreme religious authority.
The Russian Mufti Council held the conference devoted to the toleration in Russia.
The Russian Mufti Council held the conference devoted to the toleration in Russia.
The Russian Mufti Council held the conference devoted to the toleration in Russia.