Unidentified serviceman of the US Air Force is interviewed at the presentation of the US bomber at the air and space equipment show MAKS-2003 in the town of Zhukovsky outside Moscow.
Russian Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin attends the air and space equipment show MAKS-2003 in the town of Zhukovsky outside Moscow.
Russian Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin (left), director general of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) Yury Koptev (centre), and Industries, Science and Technology Minister Ilya Klebanov (right) attend the air and space equipment show MAKS-2003 in the town of Zhukovsky outside Moscow.
The general director of the "Sukhoi" Aircraft Military and Industrial Complex Mikhail Pogosyan (left), director general of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) Yury Koptev (second from the left), Russian Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin (centre) and Industries, Science and Technology Minister Ilya Klebanov (right) attend the air and space equipment show MAKS-2003 in the town of Zhukovsky outside Moscow.