Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Russian Interior Affairs Minister Boris Gryzlov attends training of the special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx').
Russian Interior Affairs Minister Boris Gryzlov attends training of the special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx').
Officers of the Russian special police force 'Rys' ('Lynx') take part in a hostage-relief operation training.
Russian Interior Affairs Minister Boris Gryzlov (uppe row, centre) attends a training session of the criminal police special unit 'Rys' (Lynx). The training was held on the base of the Moscow OMON (riot police unit).