Vice-chairman of the State Duma Industries and Science Technology Committee Andrey Kokoshin arrives at the Interfax news agency headquarters to take part in the news conference headlined 'Iraqi Crisis: Repercussions for Russian and the Rest of the World'.
Vice-chairman of the State Duma Industries and Science Technology Committee Andrey Kokoshin arrives at the Interfax news agency headquarters to take part in the news conference headlined 'Iraqi Crisis: Repercussions for Russian and the Rest of the World'.
Vice-chairman of the State Duma Industries and Science Technology Committee Andrey Kokoshin arrives at the Interfax news agency headquarters to take part in the news conference headlined 'Iraqi Crisis: Repercussions for Russia and the Rest of the World'.
Vice-chairman of the State Duma Industries, Building and Science Technologies Committee Andrey Kokoshin is interviewed at the news conference headlined 'Iraqi Crisis: Repercussions in Russia and the rest of the World'. The news conference was held in the Interfax news agency headquatrters.