Member of the State Duma faction 'People's Deputy' Valery Galchenko addresses his fellow-legislators at a session of the house.
Chairman of the Russian Accounting and Audit Office Sergey Stepashin (right) attends a session of the State Duma.
The empty session-hall of the State Duma.
Chairman of the Russian Accounting and Audit Chamber Sergey Stepashin (right) takes part in a session of the State Duma.
A prominent member of the State Duma Communist (KPRF) faction Vasily Shandybin takesa part in a session of the legislature.
Chairman of the Russian Accounting and Audit Chamber Sergey Stepashin takes part in a session of the State Duma.
Chairman of the Russian Accounting and Audit Chamber Sergey Stepashin (right) takes part in a session of the State Duma.
Russian Presidential Deputy in the State Duma and Federal Assembly Andrei Loginov takes part in a session of the legislature.
Valery Galchenko, a member of the State Duma faction the 'People's Deputy', addresses the lower house of the legislative assembly.
Vice chairman of the State Duma Industry, Construction and Technologies Committee Andrey Kokoshin (centre) takes part in a session of the legislature.
Gennady Raykov, leader of the State Duma 'Pepole's Deputy' faction, is interviewed at a news conference held in the legislature's press centre.
Gennady Raykov, leader of the State Duma 'Pepole's Deputy' faction, and his deputy Vadim Bulavin (left) confer at a news conference held in the legislature's press centre.
Chairman of the State Duma House Regulations Committee Oleg Kovalev taekes part in a session of the legislature.
Empty session hall of the State Duma.
Empty session hall of the State Duma.