Kremlin, Moscow. Marshall S. Sokholov (far left) and Director of Federal Security Service Vladimir Putin at the reception of the graduates of the Military Academy, hosted by Russian president Boris Yeltsin.
Director of the Federal Security Service Vladimir Putin, Speaker of the State Duma, Gennady Seleznyov and Russian President, Boris Yeltsin at a reception for the graduates of the Military Academy.
Director of the Federal Security Service Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and Kremlin chief of staff Alexander Voloshin at a reception for the graduates of the Military Academy.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin (left), Russian Defence Minister Igor Sergeev (second left), Russian Prime Minister Serguey Stepashin (second right) and the Kremlin chief of staff Alexander Voloshin (right) during a reception of graduates of military Academies in the Kremlin.