Checkpoint of a factory of the Voronezh branch of pharmaceutical company Verofarm.
[English translation in progress (2)] Pizzeria " Ташир the Pizza ". The Young man has left a pizzeria.
[English translation in progress (2)] Construction of a building by the Voronezh company " New building technologies " (НСТ). Workers-builders fill in with cement overlapping and spend a spadework.
[English translation in progress (2)] Publicity board " Beer Neva " - one turn of a fuse up to soft taste.
[English translation in progress (2)] Jeweller shop " Crystal ".
[English translation in progress (2)] Publicity board " Beer Baltic 7 - Aspire to the best ". Far on a back background a sign " it is cautious, children ".
[English translation in progress (2)] Empty bottles from under beer in vacation spot of youth in square near Dramatic theatre of a name of Koltsov. The young man smokes a cigarette.
[English translation in progress (2)] Jeweller shop " Jasper-gold ". Posters on a wall of shop: " the New collection - pearls and silver ", " Gold on credit ".
[English translation in progress (2)] Shop of fashionable lady's wear and accessories Mango (MNG) in the street Pushkin. Манекет in a show-window.
[English translation in progress (2)] Firm shop of sportswear and the sports goods "Адидас" (Adidas). A show-window.
[English translation in progress (2)] Shop of footwear "Терволина" (Tervolina). Girls come into shop. The payphone near an input in shop.
[English translation in progress (2)] Interior of cellular communication "Coherent". The poster on shop " Adult toys ". Young men pass by interior.
[English translation in progress (2)] Publicity board of bank " Absolute ": " 껫ÔѬá:óÑÓ¡¿ to itself percent! ".