Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Volunteers during the paperwork.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexy Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Yevgeny Struzhak, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, at the opening of the courses.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Bishop Panteleimon at the opening of the courses.
Opening of training courses for volunteers to work in the red zones of coronavirus hospitals at the Hospital of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Protective suit for volunteers.