Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. Actress, singer Evgenia Malakhova at the premiere.
Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva at the premiere.
Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. Program director of the Khudozhestvenny cinema, program director of the Strelka Film Festival, film critic Stas Tyrkin at the premiere.
Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. Program director of the Khudozhestvenny cinema, program director of the Strelka Film Festival, film critic Stas Tyrkin (center), producer Ilya Bachurin (right) at the premiere.
Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. Actress Elena Valyushkin (right) at the premiere.
Premiere of the Cruella film from the Disney company - the prequel to the 101 Dalmatians film at the Khudozhestvenny cinema. Actress Nastasya Samburskaya (left) and TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva (center) at the premiere.