[English translation in progress (2)] Flight on a motor-hang-glider was made by the invalid with 4 multiple amputation, with amputated ступнями legs and brushes of hands, таганрожец Sergey Burlakov
[English translation in progress (2)] Flight on a motor-hang-glider was made by the invalid with 4 multiple amputation, with amputated ступнями legs and brushes of hands, таганрожец Sergey Burlakov
[English translation in progress (2)] Flight on a motor-hang-glider was made by the invalid with 4 multiple amputation, with amputated ступнями legs and brushes of hands, таганрожец Sergey Burlakov
[English translation in progress (2)] Flight on a motor-hang-glider was made by the invalid with 4 multiple amputation, with amputated ступнями legs and brushes of hands, таганрожец Sergey Burlakov