Genre photo. A guy and a girl take a selfie with street decoration made of heart-shaped balloons in the background on Valentine's Day in the city center.
Genre photo. A guy and a girl kiss and take a selfie with street decoration made of heart-shaped balloons in the background on Valentine's Day in the city center.
Genre photo. Lawyers sign over the window of the house.
Genre photo. Car covered in traffic signs.
Genre photo. The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on Smolenskaya Square.
Genre photo. The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on Smolenskaya Square.
Genre photo. Flags of foreign states over a souvenir shop window in the city center. Sale of military hats of the Russian army. Poster reading "Mr. President" with a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Genre photo. Alexander Garden. No Fly Zone Sign.
Genre photo. Building of the Central Bank of Russia on Neglinnaya street.
Genre photo. Heart-shaped balloons sale.
Marshak - one of the Moscow book stores that closed for a day in support of defendants in the Network Case. Display board reading: "2 years of torture - 86 years of strict regimen."
Genre photo. Currency exchange point.
Marshak - one of the Moscow book stores that closed for a day in support of the defendants in the Network Case. Display board reading: "2 years of torture = 86 years of strict regimen."
Genre photo. Young people skiing down from the mountain.
Genre photo. Young man skiing down from the mountain.
Genre photo. Young woman skiing down from the mountain.
Genre photo. Young people skiing down from the mountain.
Genre photo. Insurance office advertising sign on the facade of a residential building.
Genre photo. Beer store "Delicious beer" on the ground floor of the apartment building.
Genre photo. Building of the Leninsky market.
Genre photo. Building of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. National Flag of Russia on the building.
Genre photo. Building of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. Car parking on the square in front of the building.
Genre photo. Sign reading: "We buy delux watches" on Smolensky Boulevard.
Genre photo. Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on Smolenskaya Square.
Genre photo. Man wearing antique salon sandwich board.
Genre photo. Cow plastic statue at the entrance to the Mu-Mu restaurant on Old Arbat street.
Genre photo. Rukkola restaurant on the Old Arbat street. Mural to Marshal Georgy Zhukov on the wall of an apartment building.
Genre photo. Reconstruction of the Khudozhestvenny cinema.
Genre photo. State Library Building. Monument to Fedor Dostoevsky on the square in front of the building.
Genre photo. Church shop with icons and Sale sign.
Genre photo. Elvis Presley plastic statue at the restaurant entrance.
Genre photo. Acrobats on sway poles perform during the Maslenitsa Celebration in the Zaryadye park.
Genre photo. Acrobats on sway poles perform during the Maslenitsa Celebration in the Zaryadye park.
Genre photo. Acrobats on sway poles perform during the Maslenitsa Celebration in the Zaryadye park.
Genre photo. Police officers present a bouquet of tulips to an elderly woman on Red Square.
Genre photo. Police officers detain a person who broke the law on Nikolskaya street.
Genre photo. People walking in the ski complex in Krylatskoye and the panorama of Moscow.
Genre photo. Young woman on a snowboard stands on top of a hill of a ski complex in Krylatsky with a panorama of Moscow in the background.
Genre photo. Acrobats on sway poles perform during the Maslenitsa Celebration in the Zaryadye park.