Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting sugar beets in the fields of the Agroholding.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting in intensive apple orchards in the Leningrad region. Apples getting sorted on conveyor belt.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting in intensive apple orchards in the Leningrad region. Apples getting washed on conveyor belt.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting in intensive apple orchards in the Leningrad region.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting in intensive apple orchards in the Leningrad region. Apples getting washed on conveyor belt.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Harvesting in intensive apple orchards in the Leningrad region.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Сommercial dairy farm in Pavlovsky district. Calf cribs.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Сommercial dairy farm in Pavlovsky district. Preparing cows for milking.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Сommercial dairy farm in Pavlovsky district. Preparing cows for milking.
Agricultural enterprises of the STEPPE Agroholding. Сommercial dairy farm in Pavlovsky district. A penned calf.
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