A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan Ruslan Arashukov before a court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Rauf Arashukov, temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia, during the court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Rauf Arashukov, temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia, before the court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Rauf Arashukov (right), temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia; and Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan Ruslan Arashukov (left) during a court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Rauf Arashukov, temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia, before the court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Ruslan Arashukov, Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan LLC, during a court hearing.
A court hearing to extend the custody of defendants in the gas fraud case of PJSC Gazprom the Basmanny District Court. Left to right: Ruslan Arashukov, Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan; Rauf Arashukov, temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia; and CEO of Essentukigorgaz Alan Kyatov during a court hearing.
Basmanny District Court considers investigator's request to extend the detention of defendants in the PAO Gazprom Gas Embezzlement case. Rauf Arashukov, temporarily suspended member of the Federation Council of Russia, attends the court hearing.