Leader of the Russian populist centre-left party Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin is interviewed during a news conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Leader of the Russian populist centre-left party Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin is interviewed during a news conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Deputy of the State Duma Igor Morozov takes part in a press conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Member of the State Duma energy, transport and communications committee Sergey Chaplinsky takes part in a press conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Leader of the Russian populist centre-left party Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin is interviewed during a news conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
First deputy chairman of the Russian coal miners' trade union, deputy of the State Duma Ruben Badalov takes part in a press conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Leader of the Russian populist centre-left party Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin is interviewed during a news conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Leader of the populist left of centre party Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin takes part in a press conference headlined 'The political results and lessons of the elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions'. The press conference was held in the Interfax news agency.
Leader of the Russian State Duma left-wing faction Rodina ('Motherland') Dmitry Rogozin (right) and the Rodina member Sergey Chaplinsky (left) are interviewed during the news conference held to sum up results of the legislative elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions. The news conference was held in the Interfax news agency headquarters.
Russian State Duma lawmaker, member of the Energy, Transport and Communications Committee Sergey Chaplinsky is interviewed during the news conference held to sum up results of the legislative elections in the Voronezh and Ryazan regions. The news conference was held in the Interfax news agency headquarters.