President of the "Interros" company Vladimir Potanin (at the left) and president of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev (in the center) took part in the presentation of the mountain-skiing project that was held in the "Interros" headquarters.
President of the "Interros" company Vladimir Potanin (at the left) took part in the presentation of the mountain-skiing project that was held in the "Interros" headquarters.
Chairman of the State Sports Committee Vyacheslav Fetisov (at the left), Economic Development and Trade Deputy Minister Vladimir Strazhalkovsky (centre) and president of the "Interros" company Vladimir Potanin (right) took part in the presentation of the mountain-skiing project that was held in the "Interros" headquarters.
Chairman of the State Sports Committee Vyacheslav Fetisov (at the left), Economic Development and Trade Deputy Minister Vladimir Strazhalkovsky (right) and president of the "Interros" company Vladimir Potanin (centre) took part in the presentation of the mountain-skiing project that was held in the "Interros" headquarters.
(left to right) Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Sport Vyachelav Fetisov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Vladimir Strzhalkovsky and president of the Interros company Vladimir Potanin at the presentation of a new mountian skiing project. The event took place in the offices of Interros.
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]