Danil Khachaturov, chairman of the Rosgosstrakh insurance company directors board, takes part in the news conference summoned to announce Rosgosstrakh preliminary 2004 results.
Danil Khachaturov, chairman of the Rosgosstrakh insurance company directors board, takes part in the news conference summoned to announce Rosgosstrakh preliminary 2004 results.
Danil Khachaturov, chairman of the Rosgosstrakh insurance company directors board, takes part in the news conference summoned to announce Rosgosstrakh preliminary 2004 results.
Danil Khachaturov, chairman of the Rosgosstrakh insurance company directors board, takes part in the news conference summoned to announce Rosgosstrakh preliminary 2004 results.
Rosgosstrakh insurance company Secretary of State, Press Service Head Igor Ignatyev attends press conference devoted to Rosgosstrakh preliminary results of 2004 year.