Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (right) during the inspection of projects "Eco-path on Russia - country of opportunities" of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (right) during the inspection of projects "Eco-path on Russia - country of opportunities" of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (in the center of the screen) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (right) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (right) during the inspection of projects "Eco-path on Russia - country of opportunities" of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (center) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (center) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (second right) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (center) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (center) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian press secretary of president Dmitry Peskov during the Russian president Vladimir Putin meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin (center) during the meeting with a participants of forum.
Russian president Vladimir Putin work trip to Pyatigorsk. "Mashuk-2018" north-caucasian educational forum. Russian president Vladimir Putin meeting with a participants of forum.