07 February, Friday
State Museum Chersonesus. Vladimir cathedral cathedral.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus. Prayers in Vladimir cathedral.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus. Prayers in Vladimir cathedral.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus. Metropolian Lazar during the liturgy near the Vladimir Cathedral in Chersoneus.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus. Schemonos in Vladimir cathedral.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus.
1030th celebration of Kievan Rus' christening was held in Chersoneus. Prayers in Vladimir cathedral.
[English translation in progress (1)]