23 January, Thursday





№ Photos


Economics and Business Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream. Broaching the gas pipe through the tunnel under the channel.

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Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

Construction of transition over Saimaa Canal on the track of the second line of Nord Stream.…

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