18 January, Saturday





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of 15

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg during a protest outside the UN building in Yerevan.

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg during a protest outside the UN building in Yerevan.

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg's speech at the American University of Armenia.

Protest rally in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally at the assignment of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan.

Protest rally in Yerevan.

of 15