23 January, Thursday





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47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

47th session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International scientific and practical conference: "Effective practices of ombudsmen: national…

International festival of media art NUR in Kazan.

International festival of media art NUR in Kazan.

International music festival "SoTvorenie" in Kazan on the square near the Kazan family center.

International music festival "SoTvorenie" in Kazan on the square near the Kazan family center.

of 50