Genre photo. Man on a hoverboard on Abrau Lake.
Genre photo. Monument to the Gesha Kozodoev, The Diamond Arm character portrayed by Russian actor Andrei Mironov, in Tsemesskaya Bay near Sudzhuk Spit (by Russian sculptor Dmitry Langin).
Genre photo. Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory and vineyards.
Genre photo. Abrau-Dyurso Vineyards.
Genre photo. Abrau-Dyurso Vineyards.
Genre photo. Abrau-Dyurso vineyards.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Visitors wait for the beginning of a tour in the factory.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Filled bottles lying upside down in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Visitors take a tour in the storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Factory products.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Production workshops.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Wine tanks at the factory.
Abrau-Dyurso champagne factory. Racks with filled bottles in storage.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Rotunda on the shore of Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Monument to Soviet singer Leonid Utesov.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Promenade at Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. A fountain installed on Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Genre photo. Vacationers ride a boat on Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Genre photo. Vacationers ride a boat on Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Genre photo. Vacationers ride a boat on Abrau Lake.
Views of Abrau-Dyurso. Genre photo. Children bath in the fountain.