23 January, Thursday





№ Photos


Religion Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the Black Sea Fleet from Crimea in the fall of 1920. Cossacks during the religious procession.

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Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

Traditional religious procession in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army and the ships of the…

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