17 February, Monday





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Society VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Sergei Lukyanenko at the festival.

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VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Sergei Lukyanenko at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Daria Dontsova at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Daria Dontsova at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Daria Dontsova at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Darya Dontsova (second from left) at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Head of the Center for the History of Wars and Geopolitics…

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Alexandra Marinina at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Alexandra Marinina at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Alexandra Marinina at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". Writer Alexandra Marinina at the festival.

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". TV journalist, President of the Global Energy Association…

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". TV journalist, President of the Global Energy Association…

VIII annual book festival "Red Square". TV journalist, President of the Global Energy Association…

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