08 December, Sunday





№ Photos


Society Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. The coffin is carried out of the theater after the service.

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Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. The…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Theater…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Genre…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Genre…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. The…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Member…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Painter…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Actress…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Lenkom…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. The…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. The…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater. Actor…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.…

Memorial service for Lenkom theater's Artistic Director Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom theater.…

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