



№ Photos


Crew of the aircraft-cruiser "Petr Velikiy (Peter the Great)" stand onboard during doctrines in Northern sea.

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Crew of the aircraft-cruiser "Petr Velikiy (Peter the Great)" stand onboard during doctrines in…

Crew of the aircraft-cruiser "Petr Velikiy (Peter the Great)" stand onboard during doctrines in…

Aircraft cruiser "Peter the Great" during exercises in Northern navy.

Sailor on the missile cruiser Peter the Great during exercises in the North Sea.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Andrei Kokoshkin on the deck of the Russian missile cruiser Peter…

Crew carry packages down the gang plank of the Russian missile cruiser Peter the Great prior to…

Russian president Boris Yeltsin with officers on the missile cruiser Peter the Great during…

Missile launch from the cruiser Peter the Great.

Russian president Boris Yeltsin climbs up to the deck of the missile cruiser Peter the Great.

North Sea.

Sentry line-up on the missile cruiser Peter the Great in the North Sea.

Russian President Boris Yeltsyn.

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