14 December, Saturday





№ Photos



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Genre photography. A serviceman at the Odessa stele in the Alexander Garden. In Odessa, on May 2,…

Protest organized by the opposition in the Place de France. Armenian singer Sirusho during a…

Genre photography. Flag of Russia on a flagpole in front of a house in the private sector.

Rally of the Communist Party and supporters of the party, dedicated to the Day of International…

All-Russian action dedicated to the Day of International Solidarity of Workers. Participants during…

Views of St. Petersburg. VIII Festival of icebreakers and waltz of tugboats in the waters of the…

National cleaning day for the improvement of the city. Participants during garbage collection.

Motorcycle parade in honor of the opening of the motorcycle season on Palace Square. Participants…

Motorcycle parade in honor of the opening of the motorcycle season on Palace Square. Participants…

Motorcycle parade in honor of the opening of the motorcycle season on Palace Square. A participant…

Genre photography. Participants in the parade of bikers on Palace Square.

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