Armenian jazzman George Akakyan attends the concert headlined 'Elena Obraztsova and the Sultans' given in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.
Russian piano player Nikolay Petrov readies for the concert headlined 'Elena Obraztsova and the Sultans' given in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.
Russian piano player Nikolay Petrov readies for the concert headlined 'Elena Obraztsova and the Sultans' given in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.
Music conductor David Berger (left) performs during the concert headlined 'Elena Obraztsova and the Sultans' given in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.
Armenian jazzman George Akakyan attends the concert headlined 'Elena Obraztsova and the Sultans' given in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.
Russian opera singer Yelena Obraztsova performs during the concert headlined 'Yelena Obraztsova and Sultans' in the Moscow Conservatory Great Hall.