Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) delivers the national achievement award to art director of the Sovremennik Theatre Galina Volchek (right). The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) delivers the national achievement award to the art director of the Mariinsky Theatre Valery Gergiyev (right). The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (in the background) has delivered delivers the national achievement award to art director of the Petr Fomenko Workshop Theatre - stage director Petr Fomenko (foreground). The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) delivers the national achievement award to the frontman of the Mashina Vremeni ('Time Machine') rock-band Andrey Makarevich. The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) delivers the national achievement award to the film and theatre actress Natalia Belokhvostikova (right). The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (in the background) has delivered the national achievement award to the writer Vasily Belov (foreground). The national achievment awards ceremony was held in the Kremin Catherine Hall.