The State Secretary of the Russia-Belorussia Union Pavel Borodin took part in the 2nd meeting of the election group "Great Russia - Euroasian Union". It was held in the Colonny Hall of the Unions House.
The State Duma deputy chairman on legislature Alexander Fedulov took part in the 2nd meeting of the election group "Great Russia - Eurasian Union". The meeting was held in the Colonny Hall of the Unions' House.
The State Council of the Russia-Belorussia Council Pavel Borodin (left) and chairman of the Political council of the Russian Peace Party Ruslan Aushev (right) took part in the 2nd meeting of the election group "Great Russia - Eurasian Union". The meeting was held in the Colonny Hall of the Unions' House.
The state secretary of the Russian-Belorussian Union Pavel Borodin took part in the II meeting of the "Great Russia - the Euroasian Union" party. The event was held in the Colonny hall of the Unions' House.