Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".
Banker, grandson the Rockefellers financial empire founder and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Affairs David Rockefeller took part in the press conference at the "Echo of Moscow" radiostation. The press conference was headlined "United world government and nations's right to self-defining - what way should society take?" and also it was discussed the unveiling of the D.Rockefeller's book "Banker of the XX centure. Memoirs".