Vice president of the Russian Football Union Nikita Simonyan (right) and chief coach of the Russian national football team Georgy Yartsev (looking over from behind Mr Simonyan) arrive at the news conference summoned to preview the Russia/Georgia qualifying match in the UEFA 2003 championship.
Vice president of the Russian Football Union Nikita Simonyan (left) and chief coach of the Russian national football team Georgy Yartsev (looking over from behind Mr Simonyan) arrive at the news conference summoned to preview the Russia/Georgia qualifying match in the UEFA 2003 championship.
Chief coach of the Russian national football team Georgy Yartsev (the one dressed in red shirt in the centre) arrives at the news conference summoned to preview the Russia/Georgia qualifying match for the UEFA 2004 championship.
Chief coach of the Russian national football team Georgy Yartsev is interviewed at the news conference summoned to preview the Russia/Georgia qualifying match for the UEFA 2004 championship.