Professor of the Shchukina Theatre School Albert Burov is interviewed at the press-briefing of the Ex-Hostages Support Foundation board. The event took place on the premises of the Schukin Theatre School.
Member of the State Duma Aslambek Aslakhanov is interviewed at the press-briefing of the Ex-Hostages Support Foundation board. The event took place on the premises of the Schukin Theatre School.
Edior-in-chief of the Moscow News paper Victor Loshak is interviewed at the press-briefing of the Ex-Hostages Support Foundation board. The event took place on the premises of the Schukin Theatre School.
Editor-in-chief of the Moscow News paper Victor Loshak takes part in the press briefing summoned by the trustees board of the Fund for Support of Hostages and Victims of the Moscow Terrorist Attack. The briefing was held in the Moscow Shchukin Theatre School.