Canine with a dog at the Leningrad railway station.
Rail tickets olffice at the Leningrad railway station. Passengers check the purchased tickets.
Canine with a dog at the Leningrad railway station.
Canine with a dog at the Leningrad railway station.
The Sapsan train nest to the platform of the Leningrad railway station.
The Sapsan train nest to the platform of the Leningrad railway station.
Checking of luggage at the Leningrad railway station.
The Sapsan train nest to the platform of the Leningrad railway station.
Newsagent Kiosk on the territory of the Leningrad railway station.
Checking of luggage at the Leningrad railway station.
Checking of luggage at the Leningrad railway station.
Passengers in the waiting hall of the Leningrad railway station.
Leningrad Railway Station. Passengers on the platform before boarding the Sapsan train.
Passengers in the waiting hall of the Leningrad station.
Porter at the Leningrad train station.
Coloured passenger buys a train ticket at the ticket office of the Leningrad railway station.