The general director of the Central House of the Artist Vasily Bychkov at press conference on a case of the fifth anniversary of the International confederation of antiquaries and art dealers.
The general director of the Central House of Artist (CHA) Vasiliy Bychkov after the news conference devoted to the 5-th anniversary of the International confederation of antiquarians and art-dealers. The news conference took place in CHA.
The member of the board of international conference of antiquary, art dealer Maxim Boxer at the press conference.
The general director of the Central House of Artist (CHA) Vasiliy Bychkov at the news conference devoted to the 5-th anniversary of the International confederation of antiquarians and art-dealers. The news conference took place in CHA.
Collector, publisher, director of the gallery "Three Centuries" Andrew Rudentsov (left) and head of the Federal Service for Supervision of compliance with legislation for the protection of cultural heritage (Rosohrankultura) Alexander Kibovsky (right) at the press conference on the occasion of fifth anniversary of the International Confederation of antique and art dealers (ICAAD). Press conference was held in the Press Center of the Central House of Artists (CHA).
Automobile "Zaporojetz", which presented by broadcasting station "Silver rain" at the first Moscow tuning-show-2009.
Art-gallery "Belveder" director Oleg Tairov at the press-conference dedicated to the anniversary of International confideration of antiquarian and art-dillers. The press-conference took place at the Central art house.
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]