Ward in orphanage for retarded children.
Feeding time in orphanage for retarded children.
Child in ward of orphanage for retarded children.
Attendants change bed clothes in orphanage for retarded children.
Grandmother visits granddaughter in orphanage for retarded children.
An employee of the specialised correction asylum for mentally retarded children plays with the little patients of the institution.
Sleeping room of the special orphan asylum for mentally-disabled children.
Inmates of the specialised orphan-asylum for mentally disabled children.
An inmate of the specialised orphan-asylum for mentally disabled children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.
Orphan home for mentally defective children.