The SMS-spam which has acted on e-mail of a mobile phone.
The SMS-spam which has acted on a mobile phone.
Obelisk to founders of space technics on entrance to Korolev.
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
A Show-window of a souvenir bench.
Souvenir shop.
Show-window of a souvenir store.
NPO "Energy" building.
Moscow subway.
Photos from personal archive. Road and transport incident (road accident).
Photos from personal archive. The old car in the yard of an apartment house.
Photos from personal archive. Shop " Belarus sausages " with a signboard " We have opened ".
Photos from personal archive. Views of Moscow. A signboard "Pass is closed" on a fencing of the Savior Christ temple.
Photos from personal archive. Traffic jams in Moscow.
Photos from personal archive. A light signboard of the on duty drugstore working round the clock.
Photos from personal archive. The tablet on a windshield of the car "indemnify by mafia".
Photos from personal archive. Flowers in the running shoes.
The broken automatic device on reception of payments.
The broken payphone near the highway.
Veterinary clinic. A tray with boxes for medicines.
Veterinary clinic. A tray with boxes for medicines.