[English translation in progress (2)] Signboard of the cellular operator of MTS on a building in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] The car passes by office of post company DHL in St.-Petersburg.
Building of the Constitutional court of Russia in St.-Petersburg.
Flag of Sweden and flag of the European Union on a building in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] Collector cars " Форд Transit " cost near a building "Alpha-bank" in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] The grandmother the pensioner begs from passers-by near a building "Alpha-bank" in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] Signboard of oil company " multinational corporation-BP " on an input in office of the St.-Petersburg branch.
[English translation in progress (2)] Signboard of the oil company " the multinational corporation - BP " on an input in office of the St.-Petersburg branch.
Signboard on an input in the internet-cafe.
[English translation in progress (2)] Эвакуатор with car BMW X5 goes under the Neva prospectus in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] Foreign workers (гастарбайтеры) smoke during works in " Александринском theatre " in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] Reconstruction of buildings on the Neva prospectus in St.-Petersburg.
Signboard of shopping center Ramstor before an input in shop in St.-Petersburg.
The guy with money in a hand costs near the terminal of payment system "Novoplat in St.-Petersburg.
A Yellow leaflet with an inscription "the Credit in day of the reference" on a drainpipe of the house in the center of St.-Petersburg.
A Yellow leaflet with an inscription "the Credit in day of the reference" on a drainpipe of the house in the center of St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] Office on sale of tickets of airline " Aeroflot " in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] The battery of empty bottles from under a champagne near Rostral columns on island Vasilevskom of St.-Petersburg after departure of a wedding train.
[English translation in progress (2)] The pensioner with the stretched hand sitting at a cash dispense "МоскомПриватБанка" begs on Neva in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (2)] The pensioner with the stretched hand, sitting at a cash dispense "МоскомПриватБанка" under a signboard Italian авивкомпании Alitalia, begs on Neva in St.-Petersburg.
[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]