General director of "Smolensk Crystal" Russian diamond producer Maxim Shkadov gives a speech during the Global Luxury Forum in London.
General director of "Smolensk Crystal" Russian diamond producer Maxim Shkadov gives a speech during the Global Luxury Forum in London.
Global Luxury Forum in London. RosBusinessConsulting" (RBC) general director Jury Rovensky, left, Pernod Ricard Russia marketing director Vadim Grigoryan, center, and Norilsky Nikel Vice President Vladimir Engelsberg, right, are holding a conversation.
Global Luxury Forum in London. RosBusinessConsulting" (RBC) general director Jury Rovensky, left, and Norilsky Nikel Vice President Vladimir Engelsberg, right, examine the guitar painted by jewelry designer Stephen Webster.
Global Luxury Forum in London. Jewelry designer Stephen Webster is shown on a Harley Davidson holding a guitar painted from his sketch.
Global Luxury Forum. The General director "RosBusinessConsulting" (RBC) Jury Rovensky (left) and owner and the operating director of Beretta Franco Gussalli (right).
Norilsky Nikel Vice President Vladimir Engelsberg takes part in the Global Luxury Forum at Old Billingsgate Market.
Norilsky Nikel Vice President Vladimir Engelsberg takes part in the Global Luxury Forum at Old Billingsgate Market.
The president of Dunhill Mark Alfred Danhill.
The general director of the European media-group, radio stations The Europe plus, Retro FM Alexander Polesitsky.
Top model Natalya Vodyanova, right, and her husband, brittish artist, Lord Justin Portman attend the Global Luxury Forum in London.
Global Luxury Forum " took place in The Old Billingsgate Market.
Jewelry designer Stephen Webster, left, and Dunhill president Alfred Dunhill are holding a conversation during the Global Luxury Forum in London.
Global Luxury Forum. The General director "RosBusinessConsulting" (RBC) Jury Rovensky (at the left) and owner and the operating director of Beretta Franco Gussalli.