The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Genre photography. The building of the Kaliningrad Synagogue (New Synagogue).
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Genre photography. A collection of religious texts compiled on the basis of the instructions of Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, Siddur Tehilat Hashem.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Genre photography.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Genre photography. Participant during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Chief Rabbi of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Berel Lazar (left) during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, CEO of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center Alexander Boroda (left) during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Genre photography. Welcome banner in front of the synagogue building.
The Congress of Russian Rabbis was held in the Kaliningrad Synagogue. Participants during the congress.