Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Views of Moscow. Genre photography. The building of the Public Chamber of Russia.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR).
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Member of the Russian Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin during the discussion.
Discussion on the topic: “The practice of using remote electronic voting in presidential elections: improving the surveillance system” in the Public Chamber of Russia (PCR). Co-chairman of the Coordination Council under the PCR for public control over voting Oleg Artamonov during the meeting.