Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. From left: Member of the State Duma Committee on Energy Alexander Karelin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Alexei Lavrinenko and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrey Krasov are seen before the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. From left: Member of the Russian State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Murad Gadylshin, Member of the Russian State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Artur Chilingarov and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market Igor Divinsky are seen before the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs Tamara Pletneva (left) and Member of State Duma Committee on Control and Regulations Nikolai Pankov (right) embrace before the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption Andrei Lugovoi (left) and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Boris Paykin (right) talk before the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Arkady Ponomarev attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Alena Arshinova is seen before the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. From left: Member of the State Duma Committee for Sports and Youth Sergei Chepikov, member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Lev Kovpak and Member of the State Duma Committee on Development of Civil Society and Issues of Public Associations and Religious Organizations Maxim Ivanov attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Control Natalia Poklonskaya attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Market Martin Shakkum (left) and Member of the State Duma Committee for Health Protection Nina Chernyaeva (right) attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasiliy Piskarev attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin (right) and First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Alexander Zhukov (left) attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma of Russia Igor Lebedev (left) and Olga Timofeeva (right) attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee for Health Protection Alexei Kurinny attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin (right) and First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Alexander Zhukov (left) attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Control Natalia Poklonskaya attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Gennady Onishchenko attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee on the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Pavel Shperov (left), Member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of Rima Batalova (second from left) and Member of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Municipal Services Tatyana Tsybizova (right) attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin speaks during the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. From left: Member of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Andrei Isaev, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin attend the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Ivan Loor attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin (center) attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Member of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction Alexander Vasilyev attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Gennady Onishchenko attends the meeting.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia.
Plenary meeting of the State Duma of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin attends the meeting.
Plenary session of the State Duma (Duma) of Russia. Alexey Sazanov, an assistant to the Presidential Administration of Russia during a meeting.
Plenary session of the State Duma (DG) of Russia. Referent of the Presidential Administration of Russia Alexei Sazanov during the meeting.